[Jenkins] Accessing COM-API

[Jenkins] Accessing COM-API


While trying to access the COM-API I receive the following error:

[TT] ERROR: Caught ComException: Can't co-create object / Can't get object clsid from progid


Please take a look at the following steps:

  1. Re-register the ecu.test COM server with the user that runs your Jenkins agent or master. Since ECU-TEST 6.6 it is possible to register the COM server for each user separately. This is useful if administrative rights are not available.

    • With administrator privileges

      • Open a new command prompt (cmd.exe) with administrator privileges

      • Run following command: "C:\Program Files [(x86)]\ecu.test <version>\ecu.test_COM.exe" /register

      • Close command prompt after successful execution

    • Without administrator privileges

      • Open a new command prompt (cmd.exe) without administrator privileges

      • Run following command: "C:\Program Files [(x86)]\ecu.test <version>\ecu.test_COM.exe" /register /peruser

      • Close command prompt after successful execution

  2. Check if the port number 8000 is already in use by another running program. This port is needed in ecu.test for making internal XML-RPC requests. To change the default port please read the instructions in the ecu.test manual at section Handling » Remote control of ecu.test

  3. Check if the COM server was registered properly in the Windows registry (regedit.exe) by searching for these entries: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ecu.test.Application and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ecu.test.Application

  4. Try to use the version specific COM programmatic identifier for the configured ecu.test installation. This id can be set in the advanced settings of the ecu.test installation list.

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