[Test management] Test management service is not available

[Test management] Test management service is not available


I want to configure my test management but I receive the following info in my ecu.test settings, that test management service is not available.



This issue is probably related to the fact, that you as the executing user has not the rights to access the java executable in the ecu.test installation directory (...\ecu.test <version>\JRE\bin).

Please do the following steps to check the access:

  1. Open command line cmd

  2. Navigate to the respective ecu.test installation directory (...\ecu.test <version>\JRE\bin)

  3. Execute command java -XshowSettings:properties -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8


The output should contain the Java version (e.g. java.version = 17.0.10). The exact version of Java is not relevant.


If you receive the following Zugriff verweigert (= Access denied) from step 3 than please get in contact with your IT department.


This issue is only related to OS Windows.

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