[INCA] Error-Code: 54

[INCA] Error-Code: 54


I am receiving an Error-code: 54 in my testcases.

Traceback (most recent call last): File ".\lib\tooling\toolLibs\base\Proxy.py", line 82, in __call__ File ".\lib\tooling\toolLibs\INCA.py", line 1934, in PortReadSignalGeneric File ".\lib\tooling\toolLibs\INCA.py", line 3406, in ReadSignalGeneric File ".\lib\ToolLibLoaderLocal.py", line 141, in SendCommand File ".\lib\ToolLibLoaderTwisted.py", line 68, in BlockingCallFromThreadWithTimeout File "<string>", line 2, in raiseException TTError: IncaError: Fehler bei INCA-API Aufruf: <COMObject <unknown>>.GetImplValue() INCA Error-Code: 54 INCA Error-Nachricht: action failed Python Error-Nachricht: (-2147352567, 'Ausnahmefehler aufgetreten.', (0, u'IncaCOM', u'Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "de.etas.cebra.socket.ErrorResultException" wurde ausgel\xf6st.', None, 0, -2146233088), None) Traceback (most recent call last): File ".\application\regression\TestEngine.py", line 869, in ExecuteTestStep File ".\application\modules\TestStepReadExec.py", line 325, in Run File ".\lib\options\StdOptions.py", line 75, in AppraiseWithGenericDataType File ".\lib\options\TimeOptions.py", line 322, in _Appraise File ".\application\modules\bus\XABusSignalVariableExec.py", line 36, in Read File ".\lib\tooling\toolAccess\Ports.py", line 276, in ReadSignalGeneric File ".\lib\tooling\toolAccess\Ports.py", line 56, in _CallOnToolIf ToolError: Port LP-CAN (@local): PortReadSignalGeneric() fehlgeschlagen: IncaError: Fehler bei INCA-API Aufruf: <COMObject <unknown>>.GetImplValue() INCA Error-Code: 54 INCA Error-Nachricht: action failed Python Error-Nachricht: (-2147352567, 'Ausnahmefehler aufgetreten.', (0, u'IncaCOM', u'Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "de.etas.cebra.socket.ErrorResultException" wurde ausgel\xf6st.', None, 0, -2146233088), None)
Traceback (most recent call last): File ".\lib\tooling\toolLibs\base\Proxy.py", line 82, in __call__ File ".\lib\tooling\toolLibs\INCA.py", line 1934, in PortReadSignalGeneric File ".\lib\tooling\toolLibs\INCA.py", line 3406, in ReadSignalGeneric File ".\lib\ToolLibLoaderLocal.py", line 141, in SendCommand File ".\lib\ToolLibLoaderTwisted.py", line 68, in BlockingCallFromThreadWithTimeout File "<string>", line 2, in raiseException TTError: IncaError: Fehler bei INCA-API Aufruf: <COMObject <unknown>>.GetDoublePhysValue() INCA Error-Code: 54 INCA Error-Nachricht: action failed Python Error-Nachricht: (-2147352567, 'Ausnahmefehler aufgetreten.', (0, u'IncaCOM', u'de.etas.cebra.toolAPI.Common.MeasureScalarData.GetDoublePhysValue(): failed -> APIError: Error #54: action failed', None, 0, -2146233088), None) Traceback (most recent call last): File ".\application\regression\TestEngine.py", line 869, in ExecuteTestStep File ".\application\modules\TestStepReadExec.py", line 325, in Run File ".\lib\options\StdOptions.py", line 75, in AppraiseWithGenericDataType File ".\lib\options\StdOptions.py", line 176, in _Appraise File ".\application\modules\bus\XABusSignalVariableExec.py", line 36, in Read File ".\lib\tooling\toolAccess\Ports.py", line 276, in ReadSignalGeneric File ".\lib\tooling\toolAccess\Ports.py", line 56, in _CallOnToolIf ToolError: Port BUS01 (@local): PortReadSignalGeneric() fehlgeschlagen: IncaError: Fehler bei INCA-API Aufruf: <COMObject <unknown>>.GetDoublePhysValue() INCA Error-Code: 54 INCA Error-Nachricht: action failed Python Error-Nachricht: (-2147352567, 'Ausnahmefehler aufgetreten.', (0, u'IncaCOM', u'de.etas.cebra.toolAPI.Common.MeasureScalarData.GetDoublePhysValue(): failed -> APIError: Error #54: action failed', None, 0, -2146233088), None)

What should I do to fix it?


In general, INCA error-code: 54 implies that INCA cannot deliver any measurement value.

You'll need to take a look at what is happening in INCA during testcase execution by pausing the test run, this can be done by inserting test steps that hold the execution ( e.g. message dialog test step) before the test step that you need to monitor. it's also possible to insert a breakpoint by right click on the test step under investigation and select Create/remove breakpoint, then run the test case in debug mode as shown below:


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