[test.guide] ResourceAdapter cannot connect to test.guide


I have a running ResourceAdapter on my test resource machine and cannot connect to a test.guide server. What should I do?


Check connection settings

  • Open the ResourceAdapter config file:

    • Right click on the tray icon of the ResourceAdapter and select Open config

    • Open the file resourceAdapter.config with a local text editor, e.g. Notepad++

  • Check whether the following parameters exist and are set correctly:

    • host.target.url → type in the correct URL of your test.guide server, you can find this in your browsers address bar. Please note that colons has to be escaped by using a backslash, eg.: https\://tg.your-company.com

    • client.authKey → type in an authKey from a (technical) user, that has the following permissions

      • Monitoring data Create/Update to send new monitoring data to test.guide 

      • Monitoring data Read (optional, when using configuration data) to check whether there are already existing configuration items before uploading new ones (saves traffic)

      • Synchronize ResourceAdapter configuration to ensure that the local config is always synchronized with the config stored on test.guide server side

    • Optional: projectId → type in your desired project id. Not necessary, when the ResourceAdapter should report in the project with id "1"

If the connection settings are correct, but you still cannot connect to test.guide, please try the following

  • Make sure that the computer on which the ResourceAdapter will be run can connect to test.guide (e.g. by opening the test.guide web interface from a browser on that computer).

  • If you are using a proxy server, you may need to explicitly specify proxy settings in the starter file.

    • Open the starter file you are using, located in the installation directory of your ResourceAdapter

    • Find the line where the Java VM arguments are specified, e.g. RA_VM_ARGS=-Xmx%HEAP% -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError [...]

    • Add the following at the end of the line -Dhttp.proxyHost=[your proxy IP or hostname] -Dhttp.proxyPort=[your proxy port] -Dhttps.proxyHost=[your proxy IP or hostname] -Dhttps.proxyPort=[your proxy port]

    • Save your changes and restart ResourceAdapter