[Request] The perfect support request

[Request] The perfect support request

We would like to give you an inspiration about how a well written support request looks like and
what kind of information we usually need to help you in the best possible way.

Please take a look at the given example below and feel free to use the given template for your future requests.


Try to summarize the impact of your issue and not the cause.

Issue description

Please describe what you try to achieve. Tell us about your use case and at which point you face issues.

Inform us about the used tools and their respective version. Take a look at [Version] Where can I find version information as well.

Steps to reproduce

Is the issue reproducable? If so, what steps are necessary to achieve it? Please write the required steps down.

Expected behavior

What kind of behavior do you expect?

Actual behavior

What kind of behaviour do you actually get?

Sample data

Always try to include necessary data for our further analysis, especially if you face error messages.

Screenshots are helpful, but usually not enough for us to fully analyze and reproduce your issue.

Take a look at [Support data] How do I provide support data and [Logging] Where can I find log files as well.


Good example

Bad example

Good example

Bad example

Cannot read CAN-FD signals with CANoe 13.0

Issue description

Hello tracetronic support team,

I use ecu.test 2023.4 in combination with CANoe 13.0.
I try to read CAN-FD frames over ecu.test, but I receive an error during package execution.
What am I missing or doing wrong? Could you help me to fix it please?

My license number is #1234567890.

Thank you in advance

Best regards

Steps to reproduce

Try to run the attached package.

Expected behavior

Successful reading of CAN-FD frames.

Actual behavior

I am receiving the error message as displayed in the logfiles.

Sample data

Please have a look at the attached TTSupportQuestions.zip I collected via Support Wizard.
It contains my configurations as well.

CAN-FD is not working

Hello tracetronic support team,

I cannot read CAN-FD signals with ecu.test.

Could you help me please? It's an emergency issue on my side.

Thank you in advance

Best regards

Issue description

Steps to reproduce

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

Sample data

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